
Why do you need SMART goals in mentoring?

Setting goals is crucial in assuring success in any training and development, whether for individual or professional progress. All mentors and mentees can benefit from mentoring relationships, which allow for sharing knowledge and experience and creating a close bond to foster each person’s personal growth. Consumers of AskMe enjoy significant exposure to only the most exclusive and unique legitimate educational material. AskMe is a valuable tool for promoting huge advantages, assessing an organizational climate, or learning an organization’s strategy. There is no doubt that AskMe has come a long way compared to most of the premier mentoring platforms.

We advise using SMART goals to guide you on your mentoring journey via mentoring platforms, irrespective of whether you’re a mentee or mentor. In order to assist you get started on your path, we will be examining the definition of SMART objectives, how they contribute to mentoring relationships through mentoring platforms, and instances of SMART goals for mentors and mentees throughout this article.

How do SMART goals work?

When a mentoring relationship first begins, setting goals may seem like a complex undertaking. Still, once they are established, they are pretty helpful because they give your mentoring journey direction and purpose attained by mentoring platforms. We strongly advise using SMART objectives during mentoring platform partnerships since they are a widely used model that will help you set important goals and enable you to observe and make actual progress.

If you use these objectives properly, they will direct your path. Goals should be precise, quantifiable, achievable, meaningful, and time-bound, or SMART, which stands for specified, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.


Making sure a goal is specific is the first step in creating one that will be useful. This enables you to focus your actions and set a particular end goal.


A goal needs to have a measuring method in place in order to be deemed SMART. A vision needs to be measurable in order for you to monitor your progress, stay inspired, and stay engaged. Mentoring platforms provide SMART goals.


You must perform a small reality check on yourself during this phase of the goal-setting process. We all enjoy pushing ourselves, yet among the most frequent reasons we fail in achieving our objectives is that they are out of our reach. When defining goals, it’s essential to take into account things like abilities, resources, time constraints, and other elements that could affect the result. Mentoring platforms provide appropriate information.


This step focuses on the relevance of something like the aim as a whole. Taking a moment to reflect and figuring out why you wish to establish the objective in the first instance is the key to success. Is this the right moment? Is it bringing you any closer to your main goal? Is it worth all the grind and time? These are only a few of the issues you should consider to ensure your aim is pertinent.


Every successful objective needs a deadline, whether it’s a year or a month; we all require a deadline to work toward. Without a beginning and end date for each goal you establish, you risk losing motivation and feeling less pressure to complete the task at hand. It also lets you organize your objectives and determine which is more advantageous, given your circumstances.

The significance of establishing goals:

Let’s discuss the significance of setting objectives now that you are aware of what a SMART purpose is. Setting goals can help you on your journey to improvement regardless of whether you’re a supervisor or a mentee. It’s true because studies show that having dreams increases your likelihood of success by 14% and that writing down your goals increases your chances of accomplishing them by 42%.

Several advantages include:

  1. Setting SMART goals for mentoring gives both the mentor and the student direction. It enables the mentor to comprehend and acquire knowledge into how they might assist the mentee in achieving their goals, as well as the mentee to understand what needs to be done in order to attain the goals they have set.
  2. It helps the task at hand gain focus. Setting goals enables the mentorship and mentee to maintain a distinct focus, allowing for the determination of priorities. Having a relationship objective gives both parties a point of focus and helps them decide more effectively how to get there.
  3. It enables the mentor as well as the mentee to evaluate the effectiveness of their partnership. By setting goals, both parties may determine the extent to which the connection is productive, as well as identify any problematic elements and find a solution. As a result, a mentoring partnership given by a mentoring platform that is very effective and fruitful that is designed to support both parties’ personal growth is created.